Security Overview

Configuration Security

We offer two levels of access to building IoT applications

  • Administrator - Can perform any action within our IoT App Studio.

  • Contributor - Can build and make changes to applications, however can not unlock records or add any records that would result in billing events, they may not invite any users as well.

Locking Records

To maximize reuse, most of the components you will build as part of your solution are built and live independently of the solution where they are used. In some cases you may not want to allow changes to existing components since the next time you publish your solution it may break existing functionality. We provide a mechism for you to lock records so you must unlock them prior to editing or deleting them. This can only be done by an administrator.

Device Level Security

Below are some of the topics about securing device access:

While we continue to extend our documentation, please contact us with any questions or concerns.