Data Streams
Data streams are powerful building blocks that allow you to get the system from your devices into other storage devices so it can be used for analtyics or reporting. Some storage machisms are one way in that they can only write data to be processed by other systems. Others can be used to supply data for our IoT Dashboard for charting and reporting
Data Stream Types
The following connectors are provided for data streams.
AWS Elastic Search - (Read/Write) Read and Write data to Amazons AWS Elastic Search
AWS S3 - (Write Only) Write data to Amazon Web Services S3 Storage
Azure Blob Storage - (Write Only) Write data to Azure Blob Storage
Azure Event Hubs - (Write Only) Write data to Azure Event Hubs
Azure Table Storage - (Read/Write) Read and Write data to Azure Table Storage
Built In Data Stream Storage - (Read/Write) Read and Write data to our built in data storage
Postgressql - (Read/Write) Read and Write data to a Postgresql server
Redis - (Read/Write) Read and Write data to a Redis Server or Cluster
SQL Server - (Read/Write) Read and Write data to a Microsoft SQL Server
Data FIelds
Data Stream Fields - (Read/Write) Fields that make up your data stream.