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Simulator - Open Source

When we started to build NuvIoT, we searched for a good, general-purpose device simulator that we could use to help build and test our system. We did not find any that met our needs, so we decided to build our own.

We decided to offer up our simulator as a free app on the Windows Store for Desktop and Windows Phone applications. By the end of the year, we will have this published for both iOS and Android as well.

The simulator is not specific to NuvIoT. You will need to create a a NuvIoT account. This will allow you to store simulator definitions for free on our server as well as access them from any machine.

Our application was built with a number of Nuget Packages that make up the the LagoVista Devices, IoT and Home Automation Frameworks. The simulator was built with the Xamarin Frameworks using Xamarin Forms. The full source code is available on Github.