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REST Transmitter

A simple yet powerful option to send messages to other systems is to use the REST Transmitter, this will take Outgoing Message Definition as procesed by the Output Translator and send them to a REST endpoint.

As part of your Outgoing Message Definition you have the option to provide a REST Method, if you do not provide one, the transmitter will assume it’s a GET method.

Required Fields

In addition to the standard fields that are required for any transmitter, the following fields are required:

  • Transmitter Type (required)

  • Host Name (required)
    Provide the protocol and domain name of that server that you wish to send the message to.
    Although you can enter a path, that path should come from the Outgoing Message Definition. An exception to this is a partial path that will be used to send all the messages to on the server.
    The REST Transmittter supports sending HTTP and HTTPS messages as specified in the Host Name.



    If you wish to add a parital path your Host Name mgith look as follows


    Your host name should not end in a forward slash /, if it is, the transmitter may strip that out if your path from the message starts with a /

  • Anonymous Connection
    Select this option if your REST server does not require authentication (not recommended).

  • User Name/Password
    The user name and password are optional, but if provided will be used to send an authorization header as a Basic Access authentication. We understand this may not meet your needs so please contacts us to discuss your specific needs. You have access to add your own custom headers and you may be able to add a custom authentication header that will be sent along with the request

  • Headers
    In addition to the headers that will come from the message you can add additional headers that will be sent along with the request.