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Azure Event Hubs Transmitter

You can provide a link to your Azure Event Hub to send messages. This will allow you to use your own front end to capture the events and use NuvIoT to process messages and perform workflows.

You must have an Azure Account and a configured Event Hub.

If you need help getting started, Contact Us and we will put you in touch with one of our implementation partners to help you get going.

The next steps assume that you have been able to successfully Create an Event Hub and have access to the necessary credentials.

Create a Transmitter and select the Listener Type of Azure Event Hub, then populated the required fields as applicable.

Required Fields

In addition to the standard fields that are required for any transmitter, the following fields are required:

  • Transmitter Type (required)
    Azure Event Hub

  • Host Name (required)
    The Host Name of the Event Hub Resource you created in Azure. For example in sb://myeventhub.servicebus.windows.net the Host Name would be myeventhub.servicebus.windows.net

  • Hub Name (required)
    The name of the specific Event Hub you wish to listen on.

  • Access Key (required)
    The Primary or Secondary Key to allow access to your Event Hub. No keys are stored in plain text.

Optional Fields

  • Access Key Name Enter a custom Policy/Access Key name where applicable. If you leave this blank, the default will be: RootManageSharedAccessKey