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Parsing Strategies

Values can be parsed to find a Message ID and Device ID or values from the message payload.

Device Id and Message Id

One of the responsibilities of the Planner is to extract a Message ID from the device. You will need to create parsers to extract these values.


Your message is likely to contain a number of attributes to extract that will be used in workflow processing. These values are defined as part of the message and are considered the message payload.

Parsing Options

There are a number of different options for extracting values from your message:

Headers - For HTTP/HTTPS message that includes an HTTP Header
Query String - Parse values from an HTTP(s) GET/POST/PUT or DELETE Query String
Path - Extract Values from the URL Path for an HTTP(s) request
Topic - Extract Values from a message that uses a Topic, such as a publish scribe protocol
Binary Messages - Extract values based on position and data types from a binary message
Delimited Messages - Use delimiters such as commas or tabs to extract values
JSON - Extract Message Values from a JSON document from any source
XML - Extract Message Values from an XML document from any source
String with Regular Expression - Build a Regular Expression to extract multiple values from a string-based payload
String with Position - Use Start Index and Length to extract values from a string-based message